
Before continue with this section please follow configuration steps.

After the configuration, you should install Eiffel.Caching.Abstractions NuGet package into your application. This package contains common interfaces such as ICacheService, ICacheServiceFactory etc.

dotnet add package Eiffel.Caching.Abstractions

In your application services, controllers or other infrastructure service you can use ICacheService with dependency injection.

public class BookingService
    private readonly ICacheService _cacheService;
    public BookingService(ICacheService cacheService)
        _cacheService = cacheService;
    .. // Your implementation details

If you want to separate your data between different indexes in Redis you can use ICacheServiceFactory

public class BookingService
    const int BookingCacheIndex = 10;
    private readonly ICacheService _cacheService;
    public BookingService(ICacheServiceFactory cacheServiceFactory)
        _cacheService = cacheServiceFactory.Resolve(BookingCacheIndex);
    .. // Your implementation details 

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